Made in the USA, Nashville, TN
1. The objective of this two-player game is to rally back and forth across the 8ft by 3 ft game table with a ball and paddle. The rally is concluded when a player fails to return the ball to their opponent's side of the table, and the ball falls to the ground. Multiple bounces and rolls are encouraged on either side of the table during the rally.
2. The “Alley" consists of the three blocks that stretch across a 4-inch stripe in the middle of the table. The “Alley” is a neutral zone that is shared by the opponents. Shots can travel flat across the table between the "Alley", over the top of the "Alley", or ricochet off the "Alley" in random trajectories.
3. Service switches every 2 serves. Players must stand behind the end of the table during the serve. Serves are required to bounce or roll at least once on the server’s side of the table prior to striking the opponent’s side of the table. Receiving players must let the ball bounce or roll on their side of the table prior to striking it.
4. An “Alley shot” occurs when a player ricochets the ball off of any part of the Alley surface during the rally. A "Tres-Alley” shot occurs when the ball ricochets off the surface of any two alley blocks on a single shot. Players that complete an "Alley shot" or "Tres-Alley shot" during the rally and ultimately win the point are awarded 2 or 3 points respectively. If an "Alley shot" or "Tres-Alley shot" ricochets back towards the executing player, they are responsible for returning the ball to their opponent. An "Alley shot" or "Tres-Alley shot" that ricochets off the side of the table at a right-angle results in a redo of the point.
5. The first player to reach 23 points is declared the winner. A “Rumble” occurs when a player is leading 11-0, ending the game. The players are required to switch sides once someone reaches 12 points. All shots that strike any part of a player other than the paddle or their playing hand are considered out of bounds. Shots that come to a rest in the Alley result in a redo of the point.
6. Shots that are questioned by either opponent result in a friendly redo.
House rules are strongly encouraged.
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